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Carefree Club Community Day – Join Us for a Day of Fun & Giving Back! 

Date: April 19, 2025
Location: Carefree Clubhouse
Time: 10:00am – 1:00pm

Donations Needed – Help Fill Our Easter Eggs!
To make the egg hunt extra special, we are seeking donations of individually wrapped candy, small trinkets/toy fillers, and stickers for the Easter eggs. Deadline for the DONATIONS is April 13th.

Volunteers Needed!
We’re also looking for helping hands to make this event a success! Whether you can assist with the egg hunt, cleanup efforts, or event setup, we’d love to have you.

Sign Up to Volunteer or Donate: Sign Up Genius     (May need to copy and paste link into URL/Search Bar.)

This is a great way to give back, connect with neighbors, and make Carefree Club even better! We appreciate your support and can’t wait to see you there!

 For questions, reach out to Catie Zenor and/or Lori Burns @

Carefree Community Day


Community Day

Board Meeting Change


February's Board Meeting is changed to

Monday, Feb. 10 at 7pm

All club members are welcome!

New Board Members


Thank you to everyone that returned their ballots - we met quorum and were able to have a successful election!

Congratulations to the following new board members!

Mandi Foxworthy - Re-elected

Matthew Johnson - elected

Ashley O'Neal - elected

Robert Overton - Re-elected

Matt Randall - Re-elected

Miriam Smith - Re-elected

Thank you to the current board members that ended their term - we appreciate your support of the neighborhood!